Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Children Life in Nepal Mountain

The child daily life in mountain is still very hard and complex due to lack of education of their parents, because the people in the mountain they are still deprived from education, so they have no idea about the developed world and still they are following their traditional way to survive . Therefore they do their farming and animal husbandry . the child help their parents for farm work and livestock, there are not many schools in the mountain areas because of not many population around , so the child must walk long way to get school and back to home even though they want to go school and some of their parents want to enroll their child in school, but most of the parents haven’t understood the importance of education and they like their parents get help from child for farm work. All the child must be physical fitness due to long way to go school , every child are not going school , some work in the field some go school so There is no equality among the child, the child whether they have to work in the field or go to the jungle to feed the livestock, or to collect firewood etc. in this way the child in the mountain area are passing their daily life.

There is no electricity no light so they use oil lamp if they are able to buy oil otherwise they use fire only, or sheet of flame whether they at home or going outside at the night, The child won’t study and do homework in the night due to lack of electricity and lamp or light they have compulsion to stay in dark.

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