Sunday, March 21, 2010

More things about people living in Nepal Mountains

1-The people in the mountain area they have no modern fertilization system like chemical fertilizer, etc and they have no also fertile land but most of them tame cattle and put the animal sheet (dung) in the field to make the land fertile then the people put plant or scatter on the field. specially the people in the mountain they plant potato ,corn, buckwheat ,barley and oat etc, and they grow also vegetable in same way .

2- The people in the mountain area are very happy whether they are poor or rich , or from different traditions culture and living standard value they have really a moral toleration among them, because they born in naturally beautiful part of the country there is not many population , no pollution ,noise and nothing to do competition each other except doing own normal work whether in the field and shop or service, they have same friends which have been playing with since their childhood ,and they look healthy because of natural organic food they grow themselves, they have such beautiful way of life in the mountain people and they have their own happy world.

3-Nepal is such a unique country in the world which is popular for it’s bio-diversity , or flora and fauna so there are several different kinds of animal and plants in Nepal .for example a kind of bird found only in Nepal spiny babbler and one horned Rhinoceros pangolin etc. and touch me not plant is very interested bushy plant or Robusta tree etc.

4-In Nepal some foreigners prefer to stay or go to the countryside of Nepal and help the poor people whether physically mentally or economically etc. and make relationship with people of the mountain area and villages the foreigners are really impress from Nepalese, people .many foreigners have contributed to the people of the rural area of Nepal.

5- The people in the city they have several modern technology to save the water and energy ,but it is not really easy to save water in the mountain they just collect the water in pot or some tank and drink it, neither they put medicine nor filter the water , because they have not instruments to save water at home .but they use also the water as an energy ,for example they make local grinding machines which moves from the water power etc. Some people they have different systems to save water in the city but poor people of the city they use water direct from the source or tap as the people do in the mountain . so most of the poor people who live in the city they are suffering from diseases as well.

6- happy and sad things happened in the mountain

The people of the mountain look happy most of the time because of the beautiful nature of the mountain own culture environment and if they success to produce enough food themselves ,but when they need doctor ,teacher ,light and transportation means or some modern facilities they should go far from their own village and takes long time to get those things in this moment they really look unhappy and very sad .

Monday, February 22, 2010

Uppermustang Area of Nepal

Here are few pictures which are taken from uppermustang area of Nepal the landscape is really a beautiful but the people are very poor due to no fertle land and no irrigation but now many tourists are going to there so way of life is changing the people of that area are from tebetan influince and budhist relligious ,according to relligion.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Children Life in Nepal Mountain

The child daily life in mountain is still very hard and complex due to lack of education of their parents, because the people in the mountain they are still deprived from education, so they have no idea about the developed world and still they are following their traditional way to survive . Therefore they do their farming and animal husbandry . the child help their parents for farm work and livestock, there are not many schools in the mountain areas because of not many population around , so the child must walk long way to get school and back to home even though they want to go school and some of their parents want to enroll their child in school, but most of the parents haven’t understood the importance of education and they like their parents get help from child for farm work. All the child must be physical fitness due to long way to go school , every child are not going school , some work in the field some go school so There is no equality among the child, the child whether they have to work in the field or go to the jungle to feed the livestock, or to collect firewood etc. in this way the child in the mountain area are passing their daily life.

There is no electricity no light so they use oil lamp if they are able to buy oil otherwise they use fire only, or sheet of flame whether they at home or going outside at the night, The child won’t study and do homework in the night due to lack of electricity and lamp or light they have compulsion to stay in dark.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A clever predictor- a story heard when I was in school age.

When I was school ages, my teacher told me this story and I still rememer this story:

Several years ago a king was ruling in a country it is said . The king was quite intelligent and honest to his nation and people, therefore there wasn’t any problem in his nation , so all the people were quite happy and loyal to their king .A predictor also was living in a town of the country he was very famous in the town, because of his right prediction , his prediction was hundred percent true that what he said to the people ,one day the king also heard about the predictor and his prediction ,so the king also desired to meet the predictor just to know about his life .

One day the king disguised as the simple person and went to the predictor , the king greeted to the predictor as soon as the king met him .there after the king requested the predictor to read also his palm line the predictor read king’s palm line meanwhile the predictor said him you might be come from a king family the king really trusted him ,even though the predictor said to the king I will tell you true what I see on your palm line if I get permission from you .The king gave permission him to tell what the palm lines say , the predictor read king’s palm line very well ,meanwhile the predictor said I am very sorry that you have no long life your palm lines say you will die within three months from today ,so that I am very sorry king , the predictor repeated same words again ,the king really shocked from the predictor’s words, The king returned back to the palace on very sad face ,the family members surprised from the king’s sad face when the king arrived to the family, therefore the families asked him a reason of sadness but the king didn’t answered to families , at the last the king took a long breathe then told to the families about what the predictor had told him.

The king had a son (prince) he was really loyal to his parent , so the prince really worried from the word predictor said to his father. Even if he was optimistic that his father will not die or he didn’t trust in predictor.

One day the king really died within three months from the date then predictor read his palm line , the country and the people lost a national father ,the abundance of the people came around the palace, at the last the people and the king’s family did last rite of the king’s death body with a guard of honor according to the national custom .The country was in panic stricken due to untimely demise of the king , The prince was unhappy to the predictor ,because he was thinking that the predictor killed the king, so he decided to revenge upon the predictor , so he said to the police to provide a sharp sword and a horse .according to his planning ,the polices provided all things ,The prince ran by horse to the predictor’s home with a sharp sword the prince shouted in loud sound ,as soon as he arrived to the predictor’s home , the predictor came out of home when he heard a sound ,the prince shouted angrily hey why did you killed my father ? so I have come here to revenge over you .any way I let you to tell your last will tell me your last will before your death ,the prince perplexed from the predictor’s word , and asked to the prince by the way I am sorry that who are you ?,the prince said I am a son of that person whom you have killed because you had said him about his death within three months when you read his palm line and he is died now ,but predictor could not say any word to prince rather ,he was thinking and also trembling, at the last he crossed his fingers and said politely,to the prince I am ready to die if I have done that mistake to your father if so I have a will if you are ready to respect and to listen my will .The prince allowed to tell predictor’s will ,meanwhile the predictor said I have only a will, that is I want to read also your palm line because you knew I am a predictor, the prince allowed him to read palm line ,the predictor read prince’s palm line meanwhile the he said ,Now I am ready to die from your hand kill me ,actually I knew that you are from a king family and I told your father what I saw on his palm line ,so kill me if you come to kill me ,so please kill me prince .but the prince wanted to know from the predictor what his palm lines say. so the prince asked to the predictor to tell truly ,the predictor thought very wisely then replied I am sorry prince sorry ,it seems very bad for you as well because your palm lines say it . And you know it happens what I say on the palm lines .the prince perplexed from the predictor’s words and the prince calm down to politeness and requested to the predictor to tell true ,the predictor said again it would make you also worry ,any way I must tell you true what I have seen on your palm line ,please listen to me well because you will also die after fifteen days from my death if you kill me .The prince really perplexed and said ,I have saved my life from death ,because I was going to die after fifteen days from your death if killed you ,and I want to live long life so I don’t kill you .The predictor became happy from prince’s word, because he became success to save his life .

In this way a clever predictor could to save his life from prince , due to his cleverness

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rhododendron- Nepali National Flower

from poon hill trek with rhododendron flower which known as the nepali national flowers in spring time 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ganesh and Kumar- Legend for Mt Kailash

Mount Kailash lies in Tibet it is known as the holly mount according to Nepali and Hindu legend , the god shiva and Parbati live in Mt Kailash according to Nepali and hindu concept because Mt kailash is a srine peak according to Nepali legend so sevaral hindu or some other non hindu Nepalise are going to the Mt Kailash every year.It's height is 6714m . Here is a lengend story for Mt Kailash.

The God shiva and his wife(Parbati)were living in the sacred mount Kailash, they have had two sons namely Ganesh and Kumar it is said.

Ganesh was older son and Kumar was younger .Ganesh was intelligent obedient and loyal to the all, but Kumar was arrogant spoil and restless therefore he was doing lots of faults . (actually shiva is a god of peace, he always sits on the bull’s back and travels around, the bull is the vehicle of god shiva)., so that sometimes Kumar was teasing to Ganesh because Ganesh have had a small mice than pheasant , The mice was not able to carry Ganesh .One day Kumar did a lot of wrong behave to Ganesh, and Kumar tried to fight with Ganesh but ganesh did not .there after Ganesh became very sorry from Kumar, so he took that case to their parents .

The case was about who is doing well and bad, the god shiva had to judge of that case , the case made shiva sad and serious because of his sons quarreling, he thought pretty well then called his both sons to the god’s court ,Ganesh and Kumar presented there according to shiva’s instruction ,there after shiva said to them that both of you must go around the Mt.Kailash and must be return back here as fast as each other ,he will be a good and right person who can be return back here first .

Kumar became a happy when he heard from shiva because he could go fast around kailash flying by pheasant but wasn’t possible to go around kailash for Ganesh because the mice was not strong enough to take Ganesh there .Kumar flew to the Mt kailash as soon as shiva instructed them to go ,but Ganesh didn’t go rather he stood in front of shiva and said to his parents I am so proud to be your son so that I don’t think that Mt.kailash is important and bigger than my parents , Mt kailash is a small thing compare of my parents according to my opinion it might be a greater for you but only my parents are greater thing for me ,that’s why I don’t leave my parents rather I always ready to serve of my parents. My parents are as Mt kailash for me .Ganesh’s reply made shiva happy very much ,when he heard Ganesh, meanwhile Kumar come back there from kailash and he show Ganesh in same place where he had left Ganesh before, then Kumar said to Ganesh hi are you still here ? I already been to around Kailash do you know ? Kumar asked to Ganesh then Shiva said ,Hey Kumar you should not say that to your brother Ganesh, now Ganesh has won competition because he been to the Kailash many step before than you . that is his parents, the parents are the greatest thing for him ,parents never be small than Kailash and parents never be smaller than other things for the person who knows the importance of parents,Ganesh knows that, that’s why he always being around us. We are the Mt Kailash according to Ganesh .It is not necessary to go that far to get Mt kailash for the person who understands the importance of parents,Ganesh has understood that ethic or moral but you only understood that might is right and enough .this judgment made Kumar surprised and frustrated, then he confessed his faults.