Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A clever predictor- a story heard when I was in school age.

When I was school ages, my teacher told me this story and I still rememer this story:

Several years ago a king was ruling in a country it is said . The king was quite intelligent and honest to his nation and people, therefore there wasn’t any problem in his nation , so all the people were quite happy and loyal to their king .A predictor also was living in a town of the country he was very famous in the town, because of his right prediction , his prediction was hundred percent true that what he said to the people ,one day the king also heard about the predictor and his prediction ,so the king also desired to meet the predictor just to know about his life .

One day the king disguised as the simple person and went to the predictor , the king greeted to the predictor as soon as the king met him .there after the king requested the predictor to read also his palm line the predictor read king’s palm line meanwhile the predictor said him you might be come from a king family the king really trusted him ,even though the predictor said to the king I will tell you true what I see on your palm line if I get permission from you .The king gave permission him to tell what the palm lines say , the predictor read king’s palm line very well ,meanwhile the predictor said I am very sorry that you have no long life your palm lines say you will die within three months from today ,so that I am very sorry king , the predictor repeated same words again ,the king really shocked from the predictor’s words, The king returned back to the palace on very sad face ,the family members surprised from the king’s sad face when the king arrived to the family, therefore the families asked him a reason of sadness but the king didn’t answered to families , at the last the king took a long breathe then told to the families about what the predictor had told him.

The king had a son (prince) he was really loyal to his parent , so the prince really worried from the word predictor said to his father. Even if he was optimistic that his father will not die or he didn’t trust in predictor.

One day the king really died within three months from the date then predictor read his palm line , the country and the people lost a national father ,the abundance of the people came around the palace, at the last the people and the king’s family did last rite of the king’s death body with a guard of honor according to the national custom .The country was in panic stricken due to untimely demise of the king , The prince was unhappy to the predictor ,because he was thinking that the predictor killed the king, so he decided to revenge upon the predictor , so he said to the police to provide a sharp sword and a horse .according to his planning ,the polices provided all things ,The prince ran by horse to the predictor’s home with a sharp sword the prince shouted in loud sound ,as soon as he arrived to the predictor’s home , the predictor came out of home when he heard a sound ,the prince shouted angrily hey why did you killed my father ? so I have come here to revenge over you .any way I let you to tell your last will tell me your last will before your death ,the prince perplexed from the predictor’s word , and asked to the prince by the way I am sorry that who are you ?,the prince said I am a son of that person whom you have killed because you had said him about his death within three months when you read his palm line and he is died now ,but predictor could not say any word to prince rather ,he was thinking and also trembling, at the last he crossed his fingers and said politely,to the prince I am ready to die if I have done that mistake to your father if so I have a will if you are ready to respect and to listen my will .The prince allowed to tell predictor’s will ,meanwhile the predictor said I have only a will, that is I want to read also your palm line because you knew I am a predictor, the prince allowed him to read palm line ,the predictor read prince’s palm line meanwhile the he said ,Now I am ready to die from your hand kill me ,actually I knew that you are from a king family and I told your father what I saw on his palm line ,so kill me if you come to kill me ,so please kill me prince .but the prince wanted to know from the predictor what his palm lines say. so the prince asked to the predictor to tell truly ,the predictor thought very wisely then replied I am sorry prince sorry ,it seems very bad for you as well because your palm lines say it . And you know it happens what I say on the palm lines .the prince perplexed from the predictor’s words and the prince calm down to politeness and requested to the predictor to tell true ,the predictor said again it would make you also worry ,any way I must tell you true what I have seen on your palm line ,please listen to me well because you will also die after fifteen days from my death if you kill me .The prince really perplexed and said ,I have saved my life from death ,because I was going to die after fifteen days from your death if killed you ,and I want to live long life so I don’t kill you .The predictor became happy from prince’s word, because he became success to save his life .

In this way a clever predictor could to save his life from prince , due to his cleverness